Luis Marrón translates all of Tropix’s documents including, but not limited to, institutional documents, creative documents, scripts, letters, reviews, and critiques. He fluidly moves from English to Spanish, and vice versa. He is a researcher, always searching out new vocabulary and trendy slang. He also works with transcriptions and video translations. When required, he serves as an interpreter as well.
His working life began in Ethiopia as an English and Amharic translator. For more than three decades, he worked for the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples, mainly as a specialist on issues related to the European continent, particularly the UK and Ireland. He interspersed his work with two diplomatic missions, in Nigeria as a translator and in the United Kingdom, as Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Chancery in the Cuban Embassy in London.
Marrón is a collaborator and is always ready to share his knowledge. He is talkative, congenial and surprising, packed with an arsenal of stories from his adventures. He likes good music, reading, and above all, drinking a glass of a good Cabernet Sauvignon.