talk with one of our experts
Eric Utrera Software Developer

Eric Utrera is in charge of the application of artificial intelligence systems for the automatic capture of metadata and audiovisual content. He works in the support and development of Tropix’s proprietary Media Asset Management System (MAM Plus). He performs maintenance and continuous improvements of the computer systems, as well as installs, supports and attends to the users of the systems developed and implemented in the company.

Upon completion of his university studies, he began career life at the University of Computer Sciences. He collaborated in various research, commercial and development projects. He stood out as a developer and director in Redcuba’s search engine project where he applied Angular, Symfony, Python, Java, Spring, Apache, Nutch, Apache Solr, InfluxDB, Grafana and ELK technologies. He transitioned from software developer to project manager at Tresite, a Mexican technology and digital services company, where he used Weekdone, a support services platform and news subscription through WhatsApp. He also worked at the Ministry of Health as a national computer security adviser.

Eric is a leader in sight, brother of his friends, he is passionate about programming as well as communication. His life has been enriched by his son Fabio, who is already part of the guardians of the Cuban cultural heritage.